Edgepast Core Framework
We are currently developing the core technology platform which supports our products. It will enable us to cut the time and cost to develop customised multiuser business modules for our clients by providing common infrastructure that our business modules need.
This includes: user & role management, browser based user interface state, detailed data input forms, customisable navigation with role based layouts and landing pages, dashboard charting and reporting for business intelligence, process management for groupware workflows, and so forth...
Over the longer term our roadmap includes developing pre-packaged business modules for warehouse inventory control, order and delivery tracking, quality management, and basic customer relationship management.
There are already many products out there in the market that cover these areas. Edgepast's value offering comes from integrating with the customised features and adjustments we tailor for you after listening to your specific business needs.
If you would like to be informed when we release new business modules, please send an email to .